Cobra Float Line

Cobra floating line for gillnet fishing is supplied from 150 grams of buoyancy per meter (25 mm) and down to 55 grams of buoyancy per meter (20 mm).

Cobra floating line is mainly used by the ocean-going fleet for fishing in deep water.

Minicobra for hobby gillnets is braided with floating elements and is delivered with approx. 40-50 grams of buoyancy per meter (approx. 15mm).


Our gillnet customers who do not clean their yarns themselves, send them to ASVO for cleaning. Everything is reused or sent for recycling. Used gillnets is cleaned at Asvo, used yarn linen is recycled, lead from spent lead ropes is collected in a container for reuse, and used fellings are sent from Asvo to the sewing room at Flatraket for assembly of new gillnet buses. We have a very good collaboration with ASVO and Retura on reuse, and recycling.

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Do you need help choosing the right product?

Contact one of our skilled employees, and we will be happy to help you!

Kenneth Silden

Supply Chain Manager
+47 977 13 730